East Atlantic/Western Russia [EATL/WRUS index]
Teleconnective indices: East Atlantic/Western Russia Index [EATL/WRUS]
The East Atlantic/ West Russia (EATL/WRUS) pattern is one of three prominent
teleconnection patterns that affects Eurasia throughout year. The East Atlantic/ West Russia pattern
consists of four main anomaly centers. The positive phase (EATL/WRUS+)
is associated with positive height
anomalies located over Europe and northern China, and negative height anomalies located over the
central North Atlantic and north of the Caspian Sea.
The main surface temperature anomalies associated with the positive phase of
the EATL/ WRUS pattern reflect above-average temperatures over eastern Asia,
and below-average temperatures over large portions of western Russia and northeastern Africa.
The main precipitation departures reflect generally above-average precipitation in eastern China
and below-average precipitation across central Europe.