weather and much more ...
Weather, Webcam, Earthquakes, Sunrise & Sunset times, Solar eclipses., since 2005 live weather data and updated weather forecasts. On you will also find satellite images, webcams, earthquake monitoring in Italy and in the world, sunrise and sunset times, maps of observed or future solar eclipses, and much more.
City weather forecast. Click and select your city.
The following graphs show the weather forecast for Palermo by, and For the last city weather forecast click on the link or on the following title.
Analysis and forecast maps
Click on the image to access to the section dedicated to analysis and forecast maps.
Weather forecast up to 15 days
To see the weather forecast up to 15 days click on the following graph. In the example below, the trend for areas close to Florence.
Solar almanac: sunrise and sunset times
In Florence it is 12:36 pm on 21 December 2024. The
Sun rose
4 hours and 51 minutes ago
at 07:44 am and will set in
4 hours and 6 minutes at 16:42 pm. Today the length of the day is
8 hours and 58 minutes.
See the full 2024 solar almanac by
clicking on the link.
You will find the solar almanac of the main cities of Italy, with times of sunrise and sunset
for the whole year, length of the day and more.
Earthquake monitoring
Visit the earthquake monitoring section always updated in real time. See also the historical archive with the earthquakes recorded from the year 1000 to the present in Italy and every single region of Italy.
Italy weather maps
GFS weather forecast maps with zoom on Italy. In the following map, air temperature anomalies at 850 hPa
Continent weather maps
GFS maps for each continent. In the following example, temperature and geopotential at 500 hPa and sea level pressure for North America.
Tuscany rivers monitoring
For real-time updates on the flow and hydrometric level of the Arno river and other rivers in Tuscany click on the link or on the graph below (by To monitor the hydrometric level of the Bilancino Lake click on the link.
Tuscany weather maps
Among the various weather forecast maps based on the GFS global model, even those with zoom on Tuscany. In the following map, the expected total precipitation.