November 29, 2024, 17:12:00: Earthquake in Costa Siracusana (Siracusa)
Earthquakes with magnitude 2.6 felt at 17:12:00 on November 29, 2024.
Place: Costa Siracusana (Siracusa).
Earthquake in Costa Siracusana (Siracusa).
On Friday 29 November 2024 at 17:12:00 an earthquake of magnitude 2.6 and depth 7.1 km was recorded in Costa Siracusana (Siracusa). Further info on the INGV webpage
by clicking here.
Based on the depth of the hypocenter, earthquakes are
classified into superficial
(hypocenter between 0 e 70 and deep), intermediate (Hypocenter between 70 and 300 km deep) and
(hypocenter between 300 and 720 km deep). The earthquake occurred at 17:12:00 on November 29, 2024, with epicenter Costa Siracusana (Siracusa), having a depth of 7.1 km is therefore classified as superficial.
Being of magnitude 2.6, therefore between 2 and 3, this earthquake is classified as "very light". This type of earthquake is not
generally felt, but recorded only by seismographs.
Credits: data from INGV, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia,
For continuous updates on the latest earthquakes felt,
even those felt a few minutes ago,
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See also the historical archive with the strongest earthquakes
recorded from the year 1000 to 2020.