October 1, 2024, 12:08:00: Earthquake in 3 km NW Ferrara di Monte Baldo (VR)

Earthquakes with magnitude 2.3 felt at 12:08:00 on October 1, 2024.
Place: 3 km NW Ferrara di Monte Baldo (VR).

Earthquake in Veneto. Earthquake in the province of Verona.

On Tuesday 1 October 2024 at 12:08:00 an earthquake of magnitude 2.3 and depth 6.1 km was recorded in 3 km NW Ferrara di Monte Baldo (VR). Further info on the INGV webpage by clicking here.

Based on the depth of the hypocenter, earthquakes are classified into superficial (hypocenter between 0 e 70 and deep), intermediate (Hypocenter between 70 and 300 km deep) and deep (hypocenter between 300 and 720 km deep). The earthquake occurred at 12:08:00 on October 1, 2024, with epicenter 3 km NW Ferrara di Monte Baldo (VR), having a depth of 6.1 km is therefore classified as superficial.

Being of magnitude 2.3, therefore between 2 and 3, this earthquake is classified as "very light". This type of earthquake is not generally felt, but recorded only by seismographs.

Credits: data from INGV, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, ingv.it

For continuous updates on the latest earthquakes felt, even those felt a few minutes ago, click on the link.
See also the historical archive with the strongest earthquakes recorded from the year 1000 to 2020.

Epicenter map of the earthquake occurred on 1 October 2024, at 12:08:00. Magnitude = 2.3.

Seismicity in the 3 days preceding the event

Seismicity in the 3 days preceding the event

Seismicity in the 90 days preceding the event (M≥2)

Seismicity in the 90 days preceding the event (M≥2)

Seismicity from 1985 (M≥3)

Seismicity from 1985 (M≥3)

Seismicity from 1000

Seismicity from 1000

Intensity Shakemap

Intensity Shakemap

Peak ground acceleration

Peak ground acceleration

Peak velocity Shakemap

Peak velocity Shakemap